Lasagne is a great meal to make for a group of people, or just for yourself when cooking in bulk. I find this recipe relatively easy, and the time you put into it is definitely worth the wait when you taste the end result.

For the mince and sauce
500g of beef mince
1 tsp of red pesto
1 onion
1 pepper
400g of passata
1 tsp of tomato puree
1 tsp of paprika
1 tsp of mixed herbs
Salt and Pepper
For the white sauce
85g butter
85g plain flour
750ml milk
Lasagne pasta sheets
Mozzarella or any cheese of your choice
- Fry your mince until cooked. This is to get rid of all the excess water and fat. Once done, drain the fat away and leave to one side.
- Cut your onion and pepper into small squares. Then, start gently frying them and mixing in your red pesto.
- Once the onions and peppers are soft you can tip the mince back into the pan. Mix this all through and leave to cook for a further 5 minutes.
- Add the passata, tomato puree, paprika, mixed herbs and salt and pepper. Leave this to then cook for around 20 minutes.
- In this time, you now need to make the white sauce. Start by melting the butter in a saucepan.
- Then stir in the plain flour and cook for two minutes.
- Slowly start to whisk in the milk, then bring to the boil and continue stirring.
- Turn down the heat and cook until the sa
uce starts to thicken and coats the back of a wooden spoon.
- Once both the mince and white sauce is cooked, you can begin to assemble the lasagne. Start with a layer of mince followed by a pasta sheet and topped with the white sauce. Repeat this so you have two or three layers ( it will just depend on how much sauce you have).
- Make sure you finish with a layer of white sauce. Then, sprinkle any choice of cheese on top.
- Now cover with tinfoil and put in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
- After 30 minutes take the lasagne out and remove the tinfoil, before putting it back in the oven for another 15 minutes. This will then allow the lasagne to crisp up.
- Once finished, serve up and enjoy!