For sufferers of eye condition Nystagmus, this Wednesday is a day out of the ordinary.

Wednesday November 4, otherwise known as ‘Wobbly Wednesday’, is a yearly event aimed at raising awareness of Nystagmus.

According to Nystagmus Network, the charity behind ‘Wobbly Wednesday’, around 60,000 people in UK have been diagnosed with the condition.

The condition has varying impacts on sufferers, but is defined as an involuntary movement of the eyes which can seriously reduce vision.

As a charity, Nystagmus Network has three main aims, including the support of those affected by Nystagmus and their families, encouraging research into treatments and cures for the condition and raising awareness and understanding of the condition.

To participate in Wobbly Wednesday, the charity are asking that people simply take the time to talk about Nystagmus.

You can find out more on the Nystagmus Network website.