Star Wars - The Force Awakens

Nearly 40 years ago, George Lucas released a film that was the start of an epic worldwide phenomenon. Now we are lucky to get the seventh instalment in the Star Wars franchise, but this time JJ Abrams is at the helm.

The original trilogy was a huge success but the prequel films weren’t exactly popular among fans of the series, so the pressure was on for Abrams to deliver. And that he did.

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens is, what many are referring to as, a triumph. It stormed the box office making $238,000,000 in the US on the opening weekend. The fans of the series have been raving about the most recent instalment, enjoying new stories full of characters we already know and love.

The story follows a new rag-tag bunch of heroes as they attempt to take down The First Order, a new organisation that rose from the ashes of the Galactic Empire. With the help of The Resistance, and a few familiar faces, Finn (John Boyega) and Rey (Daisy Ridley) must find a way to bring peace back to the galaxy.

For a big Star Wars fan, like myself, the story is just perfect. The writers have taken the formula that worked so well for the original trilogy, that was somewhat forgotten about in the prequels, and applied it to the new chapter. It is action packed and just does not stop, with the next thing happening before you can even think.

The actors also have been perfectly cast. John Boyega gave a fantastic performance as Finn, the character is well written and has some great lines that he delivered excellently. Daisy Ridley embodies the new female protagonist Rey. Once again the character has been written very well and incredible performed. Ridley and Boyega have great chemistry on screen and bring the characters to life.

An issue with the prequels was that George Lucas seemed to get a bit carried away with CGI. Admittedly we were making big strides in animation and CGI, however the overuse of CGI was blindingly obvious in episodes I – III. In episode VII the visuals are unbelievably crisp.

Clear images, with fantastic special effects, bring the amazing world of Star Wars to life. The scenery is stunning; huge sweeping shots show off these amazing planets and worlds that we could only dream of visiting.

The film is a great package that works on so many levels. For fans it is the film we have been waiting for. It follows on from the original trilogy beautifully, keeping it simple. The devastating intimidation of the Dark Side still overpowers the film and keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.

I think a lot of people will agree that George Lucas created it, but JJ Abrams made it great again. So on behalf of all Star Wars fans everywhere,: thank you, Mr Abrams.

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