Lincoln SU.Lincoln SU

Nathan Ingram had the most expensive presidential campaign as a number of candidates spent big to try and become ‘student leaders’.

Mr Ingram spent £95.20 on his campaign, coming close to the £100 cap imposed on all those running for full-time positions. Ryan Kerridge was the next expensive campaign, having spent £71.06. Winner Sammi Storey spent £59.60, while Joel Loynds only spent 90p.

The race to become the Vice President for Welfare & Community was also an expensive one, with the candidates as a whole spending more than £330. Helena Buono had the most expensive campaign in the entire election, having spent £98.40. Tasnim Hassan also splashed out, spending £91.

In his successful attempt to become the new VP Academic Affairs, John-Paul Dickie spent more than his rival candidates combined with a total spend of £68.33.

The two horse VP Activities race between Will Fry and Casey Blagg was hotly contested, and that was reflected in the overall spend. Fry spent £87.11 while Blagg paid out £65.32 for her campaign.

The cheapest race, despite having the most candidates, was the fight for VP International with Faramaz Mozaffari and Jingwan Yan declining to spend any money on their campaign. Samantha Dos Santos splashed out the most, spending £65.17.

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