Lincoln Students' Union (SU)

Lincoln SU have reversed their decision to replace the graduation ball with “Grad Quack”, after almost 1,200 students signed a petition against the move.

The Students’ Union had made the change after feedback from last year’s graduates said that Grad Ball was too expensive. Grad Quack was set to be just £5 a ticket.

At last night’s All Student Members Meeting, SU President Hayley Jayne Wilkinson clarified: “The Grad Ball has never really been a ball. We’re trying to make the cost significantly lower, because that’s what graduates have asked for in the past.”

However, she and the other SU officers took feedback from students at the meeting, who largely spoke in favour of a return to Grad Ball.

“The real problem people have had with this is the branding of Quack,” said Jessie Bartholomew, current SU Women’s Officer.

Other students suggested that the food ought to be “fancier” than the expected fairground fare and that the expensive headline acts at previous graduation balls could be replaced with local bands.

It’s expected that the new Grad Ball’s ticket prices will fall into the £10-20 price bracket.

The announcement on the Students’ Union website, updated this afternoon, stated: “Following feedback from the All Student Meeting, we’re looking into the entertainment and extra-feature details you’d like, and we’ll update you on the price soon.”