Marc Jones, Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner at the Drill Hall, 6 May 2016 (Photo: Gregor Smith)

Conservative candidate and county councillor Marc Jones will replace Alan Hardwick as Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire following Thursday’s elections.

Marc beat UKIP’s Victoria Ayling to take the position after second preference votes were taken into account.

Labour’s candidate Lucinda Preston was eliminated in the first round, alongside Daniel Simpson, nominee for the Lincolnshire Independents.

It was an impressive win for the Conservatives, who were themselves eliminated in the first round in the previous Police and Crime Commissioner elections in 2012.

Marc pulled in 48,033 votes overall, leaving Victoria over ten thousand votes behind with 37,420. Yet she seemed please with UKIP’s performance; this was the first time they fielded a candidate in Lincolnshire’s PCC elections. In Lincoln, they also received more second preference votes than the Conservatives.

In his new role, Marc plans to introduce special “community constables” and focus more on neighbourhood policing. Watch our interview with him below:


The election’s turnout rate was higher than 2012’s, with 21.2% of the county’s registered voters putting their cross in the box. Local elections in Lincoln saw the city’s voters turn out in larger numbers, with 29.97% of Lincolnites making their way to the polling stations.

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