Creating a pizza from scratch is fun, quick and miles cheaper than ordering or buying one ready made. Madaleine Lee tells us just how easy it can be.

Photo: Emily Braybrooke.
Photo: Emily Braybrooke.

We’ve all been there before; it’s mid-afternoon and you’re counting down the hours until it’s time to get home for dinner. But imagine this – there’s pizza on the books for tonight, but this one’s made completely from scratch. You’ve organised it with your friends, your other half or you have a date set with your favourite TV program, the ingredients are in the fridge and the oven’s set at 200 degrees.

We’re no wizards with the rolling pin, so we’re not expecting you to be either, luckily we can get around this! All you need to do is try your local superstore and pick up:

  • Plain pizza bases
  • A tube of tomato puree
  • A bag of grated cheese
  • Your favourite toppings

Then, put it all together and pop your finished masterpiece in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes and enjoy!

When I made my pizza at home, I had originally planned to make Hawaiian (ham and pineapple as toppings) but saw Chicken Tikka pieces in the shop and instantly inspiration struck. I covered the base in tomato puree, which was perfect for me, as I’m not a huge fan of cheese and prefer the texture of the tomato. I let it cook at 200 degrees for just under 15 minutes, and it came out perfect. The pineapple was still moist and the crust was cooked just the right amount. Every bite was better than the last – I was even sad when I’d finished it.

Photo: Emily Braybrooke

If you’re a vegetarian, or simply aren’t a big meat-eater, there’s plenty of scope for you too. Why not try adding plenty of cheese and tomato and then topping it with greens? Or, if you really can’t make up your mind, why not throw all of your favourite things onto one pizza? The possibilities are endless!

Photo: Emily Braybrooke
Photo: Emily Braybrooke

 What’s your favourite pizza and why? Let us know in the comments below!