How far would you go to make your university graduation memorable? Well one Lincoln student has proved he would do just about anything …

If you know what dabbing is, you’ll find this video HILARIOUS. If you don’t you’ll be really, truly confused. Here’s a video of what a care-free Lincoln student did to celebrate his graduation.

Video: Patrick Williams/University of Lincoln

If you blink you’ll miss it! But what’s actually happening here is something called dabbing.

Just in case you’re unfamiliar with the term – it’s a dance move which involves the dancer dropping their head to one side while simultaneously raising an arm and an elbow in a gesture that mildly resembles sneezing.

It rose to popularity last year and it has only escalated since then, with many people uploading videos of themselves performing the popular move to social media.

But the legend behind the University of Lincoln’s ‘dab-uation’ video is media production graduate Sam Underwood.

The 21-year-old from Sheffield says it was all part of a bid with his friends – seen watching on in the video.

Sam thought 'dabbing' at graduation would be a good way to end his student life. Photo: Nathan Daniel Photography.
Sam thought ‘dabbing’ at graduation would be a good way to end his student life. Photo: Nathan Daniel Photography.

He said: “I was with my friends before my graduation and they said they’d all watch the live stream in anticipation for me to do it. One even offered me £100 to go through with it.

But why dabbing? “I feel dabbing has become such a thing now that it’s just that one joke you have with your friends about doing, especially at graduation.

“Since I’ve graduated and left uni I was hoping I could make my friends laugh and give them one final memory to remember me by – and the £100 sounded like a good deal too.”

So, with £100 extra in his pocket and a new-found graduation fame, what does Sam plan to do next?

“I’m hoping to find a job or internship in media or graphic design”, he said. “In the meantime I have a part time job to steadily save up while I readjust to non-student life”.

Well, whatever Sam chooses to do, we know he’ll be a dab hand at it!

Got some nice pictures from your graduation? Tweet them to us @TheLinc.