
Last night as I watched the night sky above the Lincolnshire Showground painted with the rainbow colours of its annual fireworks display, it made me think.

The fireworks this semester haven’t been exclusive to bonfire night. Photo: Jarrad Johnson

It made me think about the people, the events, the controversy that have lit up the University of Lincoln’s campus, and the city around it, over the course of this semester.

Sparks flared even before the freshers could move in when the University of Lincoln Students’ Union announced they would hold another referendum on its membership with the NUS – the second in under six months, and for the second semester in a row.

While SU rules allow it, it came as a huge surprise to me, and many others, to hold the second referendum so quickly after the next.

The reason given was that a “number of students” had asked for one and that it would be unfair to not allow the current cohort a say in our future membership with the NUS.

The Linc asked for more details on the reasons in the run-up to the second referendum but no answers were given as the SU did not want to cause “unintentional bias” by commenting.

The SU and its student leaders remained neutral throughout the referendum, but on the confirmation of the result – a vote to remain affiliated with the NUS – Sammi Storey, SU president recognised the need for the NUS to change and listen to students.

It will be interesting to watch and report on these changes in the coming weeks, months, and beyond.

The most debated, heated, and viral topic of discussion has come on social media – as it always seems to now – courtesy of a Mexican-themed night at ‘Quack!’.

Cultural appropriation or political correctness gone mad? Whatever the answer is you come to, it certainly kicked up a fuss. It got pretty much everyone on campus talking about it.

A highlight of mine was seeing the contrasting sights of Lincoln’s students graduating at Lincoln Cathedral, juxtaposed with the freshers learning how to handle their booze at freshers week.

Talking of freshers and future Lincoln students, there’s been good and bad news. The good news is Lincoln has been ranked as a top 10 university for the first time. The bad news is that future students will have to pay more for it as it was announced tuition fees are going up.

I have to say it’s been brilliant too, watching the work being done by students and societies around the university. Whether it’s campaigners raising issues they care about or talented people doing things they love, it’s been brilliant to see.

Going forward, I’d love there to be more engagement from the newspaper with societies and schools at the university to see what exciting work is being done there.

And I can’t go by without mentioning the work of The Linc itself and all who write for us. I can’t thank them enough for the quality and commitment that goes into their work.

We’ve started on the process of some major changes which, we are optimistic and hopeful, will lead us to being a more informative, entertaining and diverse newspaper. One which you’ll increasingly want to read and engage with.

I hope you enjoy reading our content. Please send any feedback you have my way and, as always, we’d love you to get involved with The Linc too.

Story ideas? Want to write for us? Email me:

Jarrad Johnson, editor.