After voting in the University of Lincoln’s Students’ Union elections opened on Friday, a week of campaigning awaits the candidates looking to take on one of the SU’s five Student Leader roles.

Photo: Lincoln SU.

Throughout the week, we’ll be hearing from the candidates for each of the sabbatical positions and why they think students should vote for them.

Now, it’s the turn of the five candidates for Vice President Activities.

Luke Exton:

#BACKTHEBEARD. The core message of the whole campaign is let me help you! I want to understand who you are, what you do, how you do it and how I can help you resolve the issues you have!

EQUALITY AND FUNDING! The SU is receiving extra funding – we NEED to utilise this money and distribute it equally amongst Lincoln’s activities, and that means working with our activities team to figure out where that is best placed! This could mean transport-specific funding, or funding for competitive non-BUCS teams.

RECOGNISE, CELEBRATE and PROMOTE achievement! This means, no matter how big or small – promoting the achievement of all sports teams and societies – which we need more of!

CHEAPER sports kit! We’ve given Akuma tens of thousands of pounds this year and they’re not even providing free post and packing – this has to change. Costs must come down!

Kyle Foster:

I sincerely don’t think my passion towards this position will ever fade – I honestly care over the top about the needs of not just activities/events within Lincoln SU but all students’ potential associated with it.

Though putting that aside, I am currently volunteering with the department making decisions that influence this area. This as a ‘Cluster Representative’ for societies so know the ins and outs of various aspects.

Victoria Goodwin:

I think the main thing that sets me apart from the other candidates is my two years worth of experience working for the Students’ Union as Varsity and Sports Officer. I’ve done the training, I understand the governance and I know how I can fully improve and support sports & societies at the University.

I want to maximise the efficient use of funding, oversee the management processes within sports & societies and bridge the gap between the students and the students’ union. Please vote #VforVP as VP Activities!

Adam Long:

After being the president of a society I know how to represent students. I recognise that students want to be involved throughout the decision-making process and the implementation of all decisions affecting them all the way through the process, so they have involvement throughout – whether that’s based on funding provided or whether it’s changing facilities.

Sports & Societies put on fantastic events and it can be hard to keep track of them all. I’d introduce a place on the SU website where students can view all upcoming Sports & Society led events, increasing student involvement.

I want to build on the launch this year of We Are Lincoln, bringing both Sports and Societies together, supporting events which see Sports and Societies coming together. I’d also look to implement a travel service which would enable students to better support their sports teams even if they are away from campus.

Amber Newton:

Joining a sport has brought many memories and lifelong friends, which should become the case for many others.

Running for VP Activities is something I’m passionate about and I’d like to develop activities further. I’ve worked closely with the SU by being Vice-President of Volleyball, a Cluster Rep, and Deputy Chair of Sports meetings, so I already have the knowledge and experience alongside formed relationships with the SU team.

I’d include smaller activities by increasing recognition and developing ‘We Are Lincoln’ and seeking sponsorship for activities. My goal is to make activities feel like one community. Activities aren’t given equal opportunities, so hinders development, as costs are too high from the lack of funding, which access to free equipment to film would have made easier.

I aim to make booking and payment for spaces simplified and increase the spaces we have so activities get the time they deserve. #Ambs4Activities

A full list of candidates for all five Student Leader positions can be found on the Students’ Union’s website. Voting closes at 2pm this Friday.