A student has been left with a broken jaw after being dragged onto the ground by two men in a street attack in the early hours of Thursday morning.

Bruises sustained on Ben’s face following the attack.

Ben Sherriff, 20, who is a second-year business and management student at the university was attacked following student night event ‘Quack’ at the Engine Shed on Wednesday evening. The attack took place near the train tracks on Brayford Wharf East.

Ben said: “All of a sudden I got attacked from behind, I was then thrown on the floor, punched in the stomach and booted in the face.”

He was walking home alone before the attack took place.

“My T-shirt has ripped and there was blood all over my clothes, I stumbled back to the Students’ Union where the police and ambulance treated me.”

Witnesses have said the attackers were not wearing coats, with one man believed to be short with a beard, and the other, tall with a slender physique wearing a royal blue top.

Another witness believed they heard the name ‘Elliot’ being shouted during the attack.

Ben is offering a £100 reward, upon conviction for the identity of the attackers.

He is working with police to review CCTV footage of the attack.

Ben said: “Never put yourself in a vulnerable position, it doesn’t matter if you are a boy or girl. I want everyone to learn the dangers of being vulnerable after a night out and in general.”

Anyone with information regarding the attack should ring 101 and quote incident number 39 of May 11.