Students today are more likely to spend the evening at home rather than going clubbing, new research has revealed.

The Nationwide FlexStudent poll, which surveyed 1,000 current students and parent graduates, revealed that 36% of students spend most of the week watching films and TV, compared to just 18% who go out to pubs and clubs.
Dan King, Nationwide’s Head of FlexStudent, said: “Our latest research clearly breaks the myth that current students are all partying and enjoying themselves. In actual fact, the 2017 intake are far more likely to shun the party lifestyle for a more frugal, hardworking one. Staying in has become the new going out, particularly with the rise of subscription television services like Netflix.”
The poll also discovered that parents spent most of their week studying whilst at university (38%), which is 16% more than current students.
Despite studying the most, parents spent more time in the club than today’s students. Around four in ten mums and dads went into town three or more times a week, as opposed to 31% of this year’s cohort.