This weekend, thousands of freshers will move away from the familiarities of home to start their university journey. There’s a lot to think about when moving away for the first time, and many seem to find the moving in process – and considering what on earth to bring from home – especially challenging.

Freshers, there is no need to worry! In order to help, we have come up with a list of must have university essentials that should be on everyone’s checklist:


Photo: Theresa Brandal Sande

This might be one of the most essential things that you will need when moving away from home, but what’s important to remember, is that you’re only one person. Most likely your new flatmates have brought their own kitchenware, so there’s no need to bring an insane amount of cutlery or other kitchen supplies. Bringing enough for one person will sort you out for the years to come.

Electrical kitchen devices

To find out which electrical kitchen devices you have access to, the best advice would be to check with your student accommodation. Most student flats will be installed with a microwave, but you might have to bring your own kettle or a toaster, for instance.


Photo: Theresa Brandal Sande

Even though your new university room consists of a bed, a duvet and pillow are not included. There might be an opportunity to order this as a starter pack with your accommodation, but if not, it’s probably easiest to bring one from home or buy one upon arrival. Other bedroom supplies that are handy to bring are bedding and a mattress protector.

Laundry basket

This might be one of the most overlooked and easy to forget items on this list, but I’m telling you: a laundry basket is worth investing in. Having something to put your washing in makes it so much easier to keep your university room tidy, and it also makes the trip to the laundry room a lot easier.


Photo: Theresa Brandal Sande

To be able to make your new university room look as homely and cosy as possible, bringing homeware is so important. Whether it’s some scented candles, décor cushions, fairy lights or your favourite book – bringing something from home adds that personal touch, and will definitely make you feel more at home in your new university environment.

Personal photos

Along with homeware, personal photos are such an important addition to making you feel at home in your room. Whether it’s a photo of your dog, family or the friend squad, being reminded of loved ones can be comforting when you’re far away from home.

Other items that’s useful to bring are storage baskets/boxes, stationery, a backpack, clothing hangers, towels, toiletries and cleaning products.