Students have been unable to access Blackboard this morning, with the site going down just two days after it was declared as being ‘stable and performing well’.

The site was scheduled to move out of its test phase tomorrow, after IT staff and the service provider were ‘confident’ they had resolved the issue.

In an email to students on Friday, Deputy Vice Chancellor Julian Free said the university’s IT team and software provider ‘are confident they have identified and resolved the underlying technical problems which caused the outage.’

The site was also scheduled to move out of its ‘test phase’ tomorrow, but it is unclear whether the procedure will still go ahead as planned.

The Linc has contacted the Deputy Vice Chancellor and the University of Lincoln’s Students’ Union for comment.

Update: Vice President for Academic Affairs Tommy George has said he is ‘aware that the University are working hard to understand the cause of the current outage and to bring Blackboard back on line’.

“At this stage we do not [know] the cause and whether this is the same issue that caused the previous outage.  We will continue to work with the University offering support and assistance where we are able,” he said.