The SU’s new Postgraduate Officers have been announced – with Bradley Allsop and Vicky Lister elected as the new Postgraduate Research Officer (PGR) and Postgraduate Taught Officer (PGT) respectively.

Bradley Allsop and Vicky Lister have been elected as SU Postgraduate Officers.

Voting for the two positions closed on Friday, with just 3% of eligible students casting their vote.

11 votes were cast in total in the PGR elections, with Bradley winning with 10 votes against RON’s single vote.

Bradley said: “It’s fantastic to be elected to serve my fellow postgraduate students for another year.

“We’ve had a great start to the year with our first ever PG Welcome Week – now we need to work together to develop PG community, and to transform our welfare and employment rights.”

Meanwhile, Vicky Lister came in first place for the PGT role with 24 votes, followed by James Peat in second (22 votes), RON in third (7 votes) and Chirantana Mathkari in fourth place (4 votes).

Vicky said: “I am delighted to have been voted as Postgraduate Taught Officer and extremely grateful to all those who voted.

“I am excited to be able to work closely with the Students Union and other academic officers to better Postgraduate’s academic experience.

“Firstly, I plan to complete training and have meetings with the appropriate members of the SU to discuss the points made in my manifesto. I would then like to hear the opinions of postgraduate students to get a reliable view of postgraduate student’s needs and to ensure my ideas accurately represent this,” she said.