Julian Free, Deputy Vice Chancellor, has said that Blackboard is now performing as expected, despite the site remaining in a ‘test state’.

The update comes after staff and students were encouraged to ‘test the current stability’ of Blackboard when the site became accessible last week.
In an email, Mr Free said: “Teaching staff will continue to use the local measures put in place last week for some important activities, such as sharing learning resources, so please be sure to check your university email regularly.
“Contact your School Office if you are unclear on any of the local measures in place for your School.”
Students with any queries or concerns can visit Help Hubs situated in the Minerva Building and Isaac Newton Building on Monday. More information about student resources can be found on the university’s student news blog.
“Please be assured work continues both to resolve last week’s technical issues and to make sure this does not happen again,” Mr Free went on to add. “This includes additional onsite support from Blackboard, one of the most widely used virtual learning environment software systems in the world.
“Again, the University would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused and express its thanks to students for their continued patience and support while we work to resolve these problems.”
“Further updates will be provided as soon as they are available,” he said.