UK universities, including the University of Lincoln, have been asked by a Conservative MP to provide a list of tutors teaching on Brexit.

The University of Lincoln received a copy of the letter from the MP, but has not yet responded. Photo: Liam O’Dell.

In a letter to Vice Chancellors, Chris Heaton-Harris MP wrote: “I was wondering if you would be so kind as to supply me with the names of professors at your establishment who are involved in the teaching of European affairs, with particular reference to Brexit.

“Furthermore, if I could be provided with a copy of the syllabus and links to the online lectures which relate to this area I would be very much obliged,” he said.

In an interview with Radio 4’s Today programme, Universities Minister Jo Johnson MP said the politician was ‘doing research’, whilst Mr Heaton-Harris himself has since taken to Twitter to say he believes in free speech in universities and ‘having an open and vigorous debate on Brexit’.

While the University of Lincoln is yet to respond to the Conservative MP’s letter, a spokesperson told The Linc that the university is ‘firmly committed to academic freedom and free speech’. 

The nature of our curriculum at Lincoln presents a wide range of views on any issue,” they said.