There’s ‘no evidence’ to suggest that Lincolnshire County Council’s street lighting has caused an increase in overnight crime – according to a report by Lincolnshire Police.

Around 42,000 street lights in the county have been turned off between midnight and 6am, after the council launched its Street Lighting Transformation Project in April last year.
In a statement, Assistant Chief Constable Shaun West said the force will continue to monitor crime levels and highlight any concerns they have with the county council.
He said: “I fully understand that when part-night lighting was introduced residents were concerned about their safety.
“Lincolnshire is an incredibly safe place to live and rest assured we are fully committed to making sure you are safe day and night.”
Meanwhile, Lincolnshire County Council has launched a formal review into part-night street lighting, with local residents being invited to complete a short questionnaire about the initiative.
John Monk, Group Manager for Design Services at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “All feedback received will be taken into consideration when the panel decides its recommendations for the executive.
“However, while this may include amendments to the policy, the available budget would not allow for a wholesale reversal of the changes.”