Lincoln Students' Union (SU)

The University of Lincoln’s Students’ Union has risen by 30 places to be ranked the 35th best students’ union in the UK, it has been revealed.

Lincoln Students' Union (SU)
The annual Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey also found that 80% of students are happy with the services that Lincoln SU provides. Photo: The Linc.

The annual Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey also found that 80% of students are happy with the services that Lincoln SU provides.

In response to the news, SU President Kudzai Muzangaza said: “The results from the Times Higher Education Student Experience survey really epitomise the work that is being done at Lincoln to make sure the student voice is as good as it can be.

“I’m extremely proud of all the work that students and staff alike do, and seeing that hard work being recognised with 80% of students being satisfied with their SU is really exciting!

“The SU will continue advocating for students and making sure the Lincoln experience is unique and inclusive.”

Meanwhile, Lincoln as an institution move up 26 places in the league table – with their overall score now placing them 23rd as opposed to 49th last year.

Rankings based on academic experience, accommodation, security, facilities, social life and student welfare also increased.

The full results can be found on the Times Higher Education website.

Update: The University of Lincoln’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Mary Stuart, has since responded to the news of the university coming 23rd in the student experience survey. 

In a statement, she said: “We are delighted that our drive to offer the best student experience possible has been recognised with these results. At the University of Lincoln we have a strong partnership with our students, engaging them in all aspects of student life.

“It’s satisfying to see those our efforts have been reflected in a prestigious national university ranking, and most importantly, to see how that effort is valued here on campus by our students.”