Lincoln Students' Union (SU)

The University of Lincoln’s Students’ Union has announced that it is now accepting applications for two new student trustee positions within the organisation.

Lincoln Students' Union (SU)
Lincoln SU are looking for a new Postgraduate Student Trustee and a Inter-professional Student Trustee to join the organisation. Photo: The Linc.

Students studying a postgraduate degree can apply to become the new Postgraduate Student Trustee, whilst those taking a degree where the course is linked to a profession – such as nursing – can apply for the Inter-professional Student Trustee position.

In a posting on the Lincoln SU website, they said the responsibilities of the Board of Trustees include ensuring there is ‘an appropriate mission, vision and values statement in place’ and that the Union meets the ‘legal and financial requirements of a registered charity and students’ union’.

It then goes on to add: “Student Trustees are appointed following an interview with the appointments panel who make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees on all Trustee, SUMS [Students’ Union Management Systems] and LSUT [Lincoln Students’ Union Trading Ltd.] Committee appointments.

“The panel may prefer students who can complete the full term of office, which is two years.

“Student Trustees, SUMS and LSUT Committee members can serve for two terms as long as they continue to be students at the University of Lincoln.”

The successful applicants will receive training prior to their first board meeting and can choose to be mentored by an external trustee.

Applications close on Friday, 27 April at 5pm, with informal interviews taking place on Friday, 11 May.

Students interested in applying can do so via the Lincoln SU website.