Oxfam’s bookshop in Lincoln is to hold a bake sale on Saturday to celebrate its first birthday.

The shop, located in the Cornhill Square area of the high street, will have been open for a full year on 19 May.
Speaking about the successes of the year, shop manager Alison Moore said: “We have sold thousands upon thousands of books, CDs coming out of our ears, DVDs…
“We’ve sold toys, we’ve started a book group, we’ve got a writing group up and running, we’re planning to hold creative days and things like that.
“In the last year there’s been so much that we’ve done,” she said.
Since opening, the Oxfam bookshop has held a number of various events – including writing groups, poetry nights, crafting sessions and chocolate tasting evenings.
The shop also offers a diverse range of products including books, DVDs, music, art and games.
“We started off with a shop that was just boxes that you couldn’t move in and with our fantastic team they’ve turned it into a place that’s really wonderful that everyone wants to come in and stay in.”
“It’s just been non-stop really,” Mrs Moore went on to add.
The shop now has over 100 volunteers, working as section specialists or in areas such as gift aiding, visual merchandising and community engagement.
The bake sale on Saturday will include chocolate cake from Divine, of which a small donation is made to Oxfam’s cause with every purchase.
The sale will take place between 9am and 5pm and more information about the shop can be found on Facebook and Twitter.
The Linc‘s Lucy Wright has this video report: