Rogue landlords are facing tougher regulation as new powers are handed to the City of Lincoln Council today.

The new regulations on houses in the private rented sector include new space requirements and new rules on multiple occupancy- in a move which is expected to affect around 600 extra homes in Lincoln.
The rules mean that whilst landlords previously only had to apply to the council for a licence if their property was three or more storeys- those with flats and one or two storey properties will now also need to apply.
As well as that, rooms for one adult must be no smaller than 6.51 square metres, rooms for two must be no smaller than 10.22 square metres and the amount of people sleeping in the property should be no larger than the number it’s suitable to house.
Cllr Donald Nannestad, Portfolio Holder for Quality Housing at the City of Lincoln Council, told The Linc that the move would be ‘important for the city’.
He said: “The volume of private rented accommodation has increased recently over the years and it’s not just because of students, it’s for a variety of reasons.
“Tenants should be living in a place of good standard and have a safe place to live. The fact is that if you’re offering good quality accommodation then you will get a licence.”
The news comes after the council imposed a record-breaking fine over the summer of £400,000 to one landlord who owned two properties in the city where he breached numerous regulations- including fire doors being sealed shut, electrocution risks and broken smoke detectors.
Cllr Nannestad said: “It brings into play a lot of extra houses and from the point of view of tenants it’s good that there are better regulations.
“It’s important for the tenants but it’s also important for the city because we want private rented accommodation of a good quality.”
The new nationwide rules apply to landlords with properties occupied by 5 or more people who aren’t from the same family.
[…] comes after new powers were handed to the City of Lincoln Council earlier in the month to tackle poor housing in the private rented sector – after a summer in […]