See our review of the BBC’s new season of Doctor Who, starting with the episode ‘The Woman Who Fell From The Sky.’

Following the exit of controversial Peter Capaldi last December, viewers saw a highly sought-after woman step into the shoes of The Doctor. Whilst many doubted the BBC would shed its traditions in doing so, the demand for change was apparently convincing and it appeared we were in luck. A new Doctor, new Tardis and new companions; the anticipation in the media has been through the roof!
With the curiosity of a cat and a strange aversion to fear (a common trait amongst all our favourite Doctor’s) Jodie Whittaker stepped onto our TV screens and, in my opinion, did her predecessor’s legacy justice. A little. Maybe.
It’s certainly up for debate.
We recently saw our first sneak peak of the new season (7th October on BBC 1 at 6:45pm) and have a lot to say. It’s worth noting that Jodie Whittaker’s debut greatly surpassed the viewing figures of recent Doctors, Tennant and Smith alike, with 8.2m tuning in to see the sci-fi drama (as discussed on the Guardian Online).
Iconic outfit = Check. Love those suspenders.
A fresh regeneration and an itch for an adventure; Whittaker’s Doctor embodies all that is a child with its hand firmly in the cookie jar. And no intention of taking it out!
She’s still new, still learning, and ready to throw herself into it all. With none of the cynical but understandable ‘last of the Time Lords’ vibes we got from the previous few candidates, the Doctor’s new optimistic ‘can do’ attitude is definitely an appealing one.
Swiftly adopting two new friends, viewers quickly meet the season’s new troop. Team. Let’s start with Ryan Sinclair. This one got off to a wobbly start but pulled it back by the end. His companion credentials boast a doting grandmother in Grace, throwing herself in front of the group at multiple occasions throughout the episode, ever the protector. To her downfall. A weak attempt at Donna Noble and her grandfather Wilfred, but I appreciate the attempt. Having yet to see a companion duo on their level since, it’s evident few could replace them.
Not forgetting her partner Graham, lacking her guts but bringing the comedic value and intense respect for bus drivers. Odd. Seemly an on-going joke that production found funny- I’m glad someone did. Props to the casting of Bradley Walsh, though a shame about the writing.
Boyish and danger prone, Ryan melds well with re-united childhood friend, Yasmin. Receiving a better introduction and speaking for her character within minutes of being on our screens, I definitely favour the latter. She expresses a need for something different that challenges her. The Doctor certainly falls under that category.
Being the series’ first episode, it goes without saying that it was always going to be 60 minutes of setting the scene. But so far, I’m getting below par Sarah Jane adventures vibes. That said, with an ever-growing audience of younger ages, there will be limitations on how dark the episode can be. Whilst unsure how life-long fans will respond to the episode, I have a feeling it won’t be entirely good.
Personally, I found most of the newly introduced characters excluding Grace and Yasmin quite one dimensional. The Doctor tended to come out with poignant well-meaning phrases that seemed forced and out of place. Grace was very clearly the most genuine character in the episode and heavily pushed towards the end, which begs the question whether we may be seeing some more of her later. Overall, incredibly underwhelmed. It’s a disappointing start, but it’s worth understanding that it is only an introduction. Capaldi similarly had the fan base uhm-ing and ahh-ing to begin with.
Favourite scene/s had to be poor Carl listening to his encouragement tape. Repeating ‘I am valued, I am special,’ would not get me to face down an alien with the teeth of his victims embedded in his face!
But a warrior wearing his conquests… kind of cool.
The special effects deserve a quick mention too. Seemingly much better for the first glimpse with an early train scene having us a little on edge. Luke-warm scare factor at best, but it had my boyfriend jumping a mile so at least we know the children will be entertained.
Overall, I think this Doctor shows some real promise. With Whittaker no doubt carrying a lot of pressure from a fan base of diverse opinions, it seems she stepped up to the plate as best the writing allowed, which was relatively rubbish. A clear attempt to establish the character as the Doctor, but it may have benefitted the series to see this progress more naturally over multiple episodes rather than the audience being force fed. That being said, Whittaker had a certain charm in her confusion. For what it’s worth, I have a feeling this regeneration of the Doctor will be unlike anything we’ve seen before.
I really did want to love this episode, here’s hoping for better next week.
Would love to try on those Culottes, though.
Catch it on iPlayer, BBC1.