Karl McCartney says the economy needs to "bounce back." Photo: Oliver Pridmore.

Karl McCartney has said the “constituency will be his priority” after being declared the winner of last night’s election in Lincoln which saw the city back the Conservatives.

Karl McCartney during an interview with The Linc in the campaign. Photo: Oliver Pridmore.

After hours of verifying and counting, Mr McCartney un-seated the Labour Party’s Karen Lee in an evening which saw the national party record its worst result since 1935.

The Conservatives nationally achieved a comfortable majority and Boris Johnson has re-entered Downing Street as Prime Minister.

It marks a reverse in events from the 2017 General Election which in Lincoln saw Karl McCartney un-seated by Karen Lee.

Speaking after the declaration of last night’s result, Mr McCartney said: “I think in this campaign I concentrated on demonstrating that I have been a successful constituency MP in the past.

The scene at the count in Lincoln. Photo; Oliver Pridmore.

“Going forward now, nationally we’ll be focused on getting Brexit done but here in Lincoln I’ll be looking at the transport infrastructure improvements that we need and all the other improvements to local services whether that’s the NHS or education.”

Despite the success of the Conservatives nationally, Mr McCartney pledged that if he was given the offer of a ministerial role he would put the “constituency first.”

Karl McCartney was previously the MP for Lincoln from 2010 until 2017, and in this campaign has highlighted improvements he says he brought to Lincoln including improving transport and fighting for the medical school at the University of Lincoln.

Mr McCartney will now officially take up his position as the MP for Lincoln when Parliament returns on Monday.

Re-live all of our coverage from this General Election campaign here.

2 thought on “ELECTION 2019: Karl McCartney returns as the MP for Lincoln”
  1. Absolute disgrace that lincoln voted back in a consistently homophobic and racist MP. The man doesn’t deserve a platform, who in their right mind could actively support statements made by the old leader of the EDL.
    Get with the times Lincoln, you might be a historic city, but your views don’t have to be stuck in the 50s.

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