Many accidents are caused by careless driving or using a phone while behind the wheel. Photo: Pixabay via

Lincolnshire roads have seen no fatalities at the start of the year for the first time since at least 1985, more than 35 years ago.

Many accidents are caused by careless driving or using a phone while behind the wheel. Photo: Pixabay via

Compared to this time last year, between January and February, there were already 5 fatalities on Lincolnshire roads.

John Siddle, spokesperson for Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership, said: “This is quite an anomaly, as far as we can see, although the records are only available from 1985. Since then, in Lincolnshire, there’s never been a [time] where we’ve had zero fatalities in the first two months of the year.

“We would love for it to be zero all year, but we have to be realistic as, on average, over fifty people unfortunately get killed on Lincolnshire roads every year. So, it is unusual that we have a number such as this.”

Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership is made up of several authorities, including Lincolnshire Police and Highways England, working to keep Lincolnshire roads safe by installing speed cameras and mobile cameras around the county.

“Many causes of accidents mainly include speeding and using a phone. Even a hands-free phone call can be dangerous. We urge people to not do these things while driving, to keep themselves safe and other people safe,” said Mr Siddle.

Detective Inspector Joanna Reeves from Lincolnshire Police’s Serious Collision Investigation Unit said the figures are encouraging but added that authorities will continue to pursue dangerous drivers.

“We know the standard of some road users on our county’s roads is poor. They take unnecessary risks and are impatient.  Those who choose to drive in that way and drive while impaired through drugs and alcohol, while disqualified, using a mobile phone or have no insurance will be our focus throughout the year.

“We encourage road users with dashcams fitted to submit any footage they have where they believe a driving offence has been committed […] through our dashcam portal. Check out Op Snap on our website.”

You can visit the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership website to view the latest statistics.

By Harmony Holland

News Editor at The Linc.