This year’s SU elections for the five Student Leaders are now live on the Students Union website and app. Students have the opportunity to cast their vote on who they would like to represent their voices for the next academic year.


The positions in which candidates are nominating themselves for are VP Activities, VP Campaigns and Environment, VP Education, VP International and VP Campaigns and Environment.

SU elections are open from today until 2pm on Friday, 18th March. Successful candidates will be announced on Friday, 18th March, at 7pm in Towers.

Students have an opportunity to get to know their candidates prior to voting during Question Time, which will take place on Tuesday, 15th March, at 7pm in Towers.

Voters have a 1 in 3 chance of winning prizes by voting via the SU app. Two thousand prizes will be up for grabs, including SU credit, free pints, Amazon vouchers and many more.

For a chance to win, students must vote for their desired candidate within each of the five Student Leader roles. Voting is also available on the Students Union website at

Follow the Linc as we reveal more about your election candidates throughout the week.