Lincolnshire Climate Change Data

Lincoln businesses believe more needs to be done to cut carbon emissions despite new data showing a steady decline in Lincolnshire.

Lincolnshire Climate Change Data

Lincolnshire County Council data shows CO2 emissions have fallen by 1.1 tonnes per person, from 2015 to 2021. However, some businesses believe this doesn’t go far enough.

Nikki Goldblatt, 51, owns the sustainable Forage and Fill shop on Lincoln’s Strait. She said: “We all need to start making moves, whether those are small moves or dramatic changes, whether it’s in your business or your home.”

Nikki, who founded the environmental shop, added: “Shopping in this more sustainable way, by reducing the amount of packaging that you’re using, massively decreases the amount of plastic.”

She is optimistic that Lincoln is going in the right direction, adding that: “There’s some great bike access. I can use a really lovely bike path that runs by the river to get to the town and back. Lots of people use that and that really helps reduce the city’s emissions.”

The data estimates carbon dioxide emissions within the scope of local authorities, measuring them on a per person basis, across the county.

Transport, agriculture and domestic emissions accounts for just less than 70% of the county’s total emissions.

Founder of Lincoln’s Project Fashion Fixed, Kerry Gibson, 55, thinks more education is needed to cut emissions in the county.

She said: “It’s about breaking down these chunky subject areas into simple terms to let people put the pieces of the jigsaw together themselves.”

Her nationally recognised organisation uses fashion as a means to educate people in Lincoln about the impacts of climate change and how they can cut their personal emissions.

Kerry added: “I think [the data] is pretty terrible, we need to do a whole lot more.”

Lincolnshire County Council has cut its own emissions by 46% since 2005, according to Cllr Colin Davie.

Cllr Davie, executive member for environment at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “Our role in helping to cut the county’s emissions is about engaging with and supporting other sectors to reduce their emissions.”