Lindum Hockey

Lindum Hockey secure back-to-back promotions, beating Wakefield to cap off a historic league title win.

The Lincoln-based side won 4-1 on an afternoon that cemented their England Hockey Conference North top-spot, becoming the first Lincolnshire team to reach the second-tier of English hockey.

Lindum Hockey
The crowd came out to watch Lindum complete a historic promotion.


Travelling Wakefield got proceedings underway, but it was Lindum who started the game better as they looked for the point that would secure their promotion.

Harry Antill put an early chance wide after receiving the ball from forward Ben Read. It was Read who then broke the deadlock inside the first five minutes, tapping home after Willow Mandil mazed his way through the Wakefield defence.

The home side had two less than five minutes later. Read turned provider as he put the ball on a plate for James Niven to tap home. Good work down the left by Antill allowed Lindum to play the ball across the face of goal for an almost empty net finish at the back post.

Read had another chance minutes later as he pounced on a loose pass. However, his shot went just over the bar.

The second-quarter had a slower tempo, after Lindum came quick out of the blocks in the first. Mandil took in a pass from Sam Dixon, but could only fire wide.

Lindum dominated the first-half, though they only the two goals to show for their hard work. Wakefield were struggling to create, with the Yellow Submarine’s goalkeeper Oliver Carrick left with nothing to do between the sticks.

Lindum Hockey
Lindum Hockey’s joint top-scorer Sam Dixon on the ball against Wakefield.


Lindum missed a penalty corner early in the second-half, as Dixon pulled his shot just wide of Lyndon Lemos’ goal.

Wakefield were wasteful in possession, and were almost made to pay for it as Mandil sneaked a shot the wrong side of the post after a good Read run down the right.

The visitors, who sat fourth in the league table, had their first chance of the game in the 37th minute. Martin Sutherland received the ball, but couldn’t find the back of the net with his snap-shot.

The afternoon was not going the visitors way, as shown by a wasted penalty corner. James Hunt was set to take the corner, but mis-hit and failed to reach a teammate in green.

Louie Sadler’s powerful strike ended the third quarter. He unleashed a rocket from the edge of the circle, but Lemos was equal to it.

The final quarter brought with it more back-and-forth action. Lemos pulled off another good save as Mandil shot from inside the circle. Dixon looked to spin and shoot a few minutes later, but got his feet in a tangle, allowing for the ball to be cleared away from danger.

With 50 minutes on the clock, Lindum had a penalty corner. Captain Rob Johnstone pulled it back to Matt Parker, whose shot was blocked off the line.

The umpire judged that it was done illegally, resulting in a penalty shot for the hosts. Parker stepped up and rifled the ball past Lemos, adding the security of a third goal.

Wakefield did get themselves a goal back as time ticked on. Ryan Carsley played the ball through to James Hunt, who chipped a shot over Carrick and into the Lindum net.

However, Mandil had time to restore Lindum’s three goal lead, complete the scoring from a tight angle.

Lindum Hockey
Captain Rob Johnstone and joint-leading goalscorer Ben Read celebrate.

Lindum Hockey 4-1 Wakefield Hockey:

The comfortable win meant Lindum secured their league title, and a historic, first-of-its-kind promotion for a Lincolnshire club.

Goals from the season’s joint-top-scorer Ben Read set the Yellow Submarine on their way, as James Niven, Matt Parker and Willow Mandil followed with the rest.

Lindum end their season with a 100% record at home, winning 16 out of 18 games and dropping just five points out of a possible 54 during the entire campaign home and away.