Expenses scandal opens the way for female MPs
The expenses scandal could be the catalyst of change for female members of Parliament, according to Sarah Childs a professor of political science from Bristol University.
Lincoln's Premier Student Newspaper
The expenses scandal could be the catalyst of change for female members of Parliament, according to Sarah Childs a professor of political science from Bristol University.
Universities across the country may face fines because they broke a government imposed cap on new students. Lincoln says it complied with the guidelines, and is "well within" the limit.
University applicants were told on Wednesday that nearly 50,000 of them would not get a place. This year 52,000 more people applied to universities in England compared to last year,…
British universities will lose their leading international standing unless they become much more radical in their use of new technology, according to a JISC commissioned report.
The Beach Break Live 2009 student festival will move 300 miles to Kent, the event organisers confirmed. Taking place between 16 and 19 June, the original location was set to…
A government order to impose a £400m saving scheme in universities may prompt a backlash from fee-paying students, the head of the lecturers' union warned.
The government has set the interest rate on student loans to 0%, disconnecting it from the rate of inflation. This means deflation will not reduce the amount students have to…
The British Airline Pilots' Association is challenging the introduction of compulsory ID cards for airside staff at Manchester Airport. Manchester residents will be the able to volunteer to have the…
Universities are falling behind their students in the use of Web 2.0 technologies, according to a report released today.
The lecturers' union UCU may go on strike following the breakdown of pay negotiations. Most lecturers at the University of Lincoln are represented by the union, but the ballot results…