michelleAs the days turn colder and shorter, it doesn’t take much to realise that winter is dawning on us. At the end of October, the season is practically here and being one of the few unprepared and laid back students, I’ve left half my winter wardrobe at home.

It’s not good when you realise that jumpers are now becoming increasingly expensive so you can’t walk into Topshop after finishing university for the day and get one for under £20. It’s just not possible.

Now it’s getting colder, cropped tops – even long sleeve ones – are just not going to cut it. Underneath a coat would be fine, but without you’ll freeze.

I find that having a chunky knitted sweater in winter is my favourite, go-to look. You can effortlessly throw it on but still look put together. It’s perfect for those days where you can’t stop shivering but still feels so comfortable.

Wear over some mom jeans and small boots to stay warm on those days but still look casual and stylish. Or even partner the sweater with a collared blouse to seem more chic. If you have more cash to spend, it’s easy to find nice oversized sweaters in Zara.

Pictured is an ideal winter outfit - vintage coat, Zara top (£10) and Topshop Mom Jeans. Photo: Michelle Carroll.
Pictured is an ideal winter outfit – vintage coat, Zara top and Topshop Mom Jeans (Photo: Michelle Carroll)

However, being students we want to spend the least amount of money as possible. The best way to do this is check out vintage or charity shops that really do have some excellent steals. But it’s not just vintage websites, normal clothing websites, like ‘Romwe’ have some amazing sweaters on sale.

But what else is an essential? Coats. Definitely coats. You cannot go through winter without a coat, trust me. It’s tried and tested. No wonder I spent most Christmas mornings’ with a banging headache and a snotty nose. But I thought they would ruin my outfit, truth is – a coat can make it.