computers on the ground floor of the University of Lincoln library (Photo: Gregor Smith)
computers on the ground floor of the University of Lincoln library (Photo: Gregor Smith)
Soon, you will finally be able to leave the library (Photo: Gregor Smith)

The last few months of university are arguably the most important for any student. With last minute hand-ins, making the most of having your friends close by and getting ready for the world of work, it can be hard to remember to truly enjoy the rest.

Chilling out and making the most of it may be on the bottom of your list of things to do, but also equally as important.

A day out
Arranging a day to explore the city with your friends is a great way to appreciate the area as well as spending some time with the people you’ve spent the last three years with. Although having a house party is great way to see everybody for a final send-off, a day trip will help build real memories that will be held above those that were alcohol induced. Start by finding out about future events or unique places to go, such as traditional coffee shops or museums to truly explore the history of your university city.

Try something new
Take up a hobby that will benefit your future career. Joining a society could be ideal; however, if you’re nearing the end, try setting up a blog that reflects your passions, or a similar hobby. University is a great time to do this as you’ll have more time than when you’re in a full time job, and will show your potential employers how much you enjoy your chosen field. It would be a great thing to add to your CV, which you should also continue to write as your last year of university comes to an end.

Speak to people
If you’re unsure of what career path you want to go down, or how to do so, speaking to a member of staff is a great place to start. Many universities have career and employability staff for guidance. This is the ideal time to start arranging placements, interviews or internships to give you a great start in your pathway. Staff on your chosen course may be able to give you contact details to help you in this, as well as advising you on how you can improve your last assignments in order to give you the best grade possible.

Let your hair down
Of course, there are the fun parts too! Nightclubs will be holding special events for graduates, which are typically the best of the year as everybody is celebrating. Holding the aforementioned house party is a sure way of getting everybody together to enjoy your final nights out as students, and the best opportunity to de-stress after all those final year assignments.