Lincoln has once again lightened up this Christmas with Lincoln castle illuminated. Offering families and friends some much needed festive sparkle this year, Lincoln castle illuminated is the perfect Christmas experience.

Lincoln Castle
Photo: Luke MacDonald

Adding to the Christmas spirit, the castle offers walk through displays of Christmas lights and Christmas tree lined pathways, transporting you to a winter wonderland.

If you’re feeling chilly on your venture out, hot chocolate and mulled wine are on offer – keeping you warm while you look around the grounds. If you’re feeling up for it, the castle offers the opportunity to take in the spectacular sites from up high by purchasing the Illuminated Wall Walk ticket, meaning you can see the whole city in its Christmas glory.

Looking for a place to take your furry friends this Christmas? Lincoln castle lets you explore with paws on its dog friendly days! These will take place on the 15th and 22nd December and means none of your family will miss out!

The event will run until the 23rd December from 5-9pm, with tickets available for just £2 per head for grounds only, £10 per adult for the wall walk and £5.50 for children. They are limited so book now