Chris Charnley

The Students’ Union elections were once again marred by poor turnout, with initial figures suggesting 85% of students didn’t vote.

In total, 1,586 students voted, with the vice-president for activities race attracting the most votes, at 1,367.

Chris Charnley

  • Liberation officer — Jonathan Holmes

    Running uncontested, there was never any doubt that Jonathan Holmes would become the SU’s “liberation officer”.

  • “RAG” officer — Phil Krstic

    Charged with helping to raise money for charities, Phil Krstic also ran unopposed, ensuring him the position.

  • Sports officer — Jennine Fox

    Now that the vice-presidents for sports and societies have been combined into a single role, Jennine Fox is now tasked with focusing on the sports teams. Running uncontested, she sailed into the job.

  • Campaigns officer — Joe Hicks

    The only part-time position that was contested, Joe Hicks beat Dec Ackroyd by 590 votes to 221.

  • Vice-president for academic affairs — Dan Derricott

    Dan Derricott beat out Ellie Marchant-Williams by 613 votes to 419. Derricott is already a part-time SU officer, and is unusual for taking up a sabbatical position between his second and third years, rather than at the end of his course.

  • Vice-president for welfare — Kayleigh Taylor

    Kayleigh Taylor beat Emily Gough by 618 votes to 437. Taylor is currently the editor of Bullet Magazine, while Gough is a part-time SU officer, and one of the most visible members of the SU.

  • Vice-president for activities — Andreas Zacharia

    Judging by Facebook group numbers and the quality of his campaign material, Andreas Zacharia was always the favourite for this job. He beat Kat Walker and Katie Blackburn by 703 votes to their 385 and 250, respectively.

  • President — Chris Charnley

    The current SU president won re-election, beating Lucy Alborough by 783 votes to her 494.

By Rob Wells

Rob is a third-year journalism student at the University of Lincoln, and is originally from Leicester. He also writes on his website.

6 thought on “No surprises at the Students’ Union elections”
  1. Christ, the editor of Bullet magazine is in… just means Welfare & Diversity is going to be very poorly managed — a lot like Bullet.

  2. Editor of a magazine and Sabbatical Officer for the Students’ Union are very different roles; I had every faith in both candidates, and am sure Kayleigh will do the job well.

  3. Hazel – Clearly 618 people thought she did a great job.

    The Comms Officer at the SU is a nightmare to work with. Keeping that in mind, my friends and I think Kayleigh has done a great job… Well done Kayleigh!

    It’s always easy to criticise, but did we see you standing for election and trying to make things better for students… oh no wait we didn’t!

  4. Couldn’t think of a better person for the role. Kayleigh has my full support and I’m sure she will do an extremely good job as Welfare officer.
    I’m confident she will represent the students to the highest standard.

    People are so quick to criticise without proper involvement.

  5. I would like to just comment that it is nice for The Linc to notice that Emily has been a very visible member of the SU this year. She has done a great job as a student officer and would have been a brilliant Welfare officer. Hopefully Kayleigh can be too and I wish her good luck with the hand over and training sessions.

    And The comms officer is brilliant, she’s done a lot this year especially from June to Jan!

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