Too often when The Linc covers the University of Lincoln Students’ Union they get wrapped up into the whole charade. I know; having just officially stepped down as news editor, I was there for pretty much all the SU coverage for the past year.

There are too few occasions where journalists stop and ask themselves why. Not just “why” as one of the five “w”s, but more broadly.

Why am I writing this story? Why is it important? Why is this whole area important? Why are things as they are?

I’m guilty of not asking “why” enough. Most journalists are, too.

It’s time to ask myself: “Why the Students’ Union?”

Why is it important? Why does it exist? Why do the people involve get so worked up, one way or the other?

— Read Rob’s full article, which offers an in-depth critique on the effectiveness of the SU and student apathy, on his blog.

By Rob Wells

Rob is a third-year journalism student at the University of Lincoln, and is originally from Leicester. He also writes on his website.