UPDATE: For the SU’s statement, see the comments underneath the story.

Societies at the University of Lincoln are feeling neglected after the administrative merger of sports and societies, it’s being claimed. 

Andreas Zacharia, VP for Activities now holds responsibility for both societies and sports. In previous years the two areas had separate full-time SU officers.

Steven Jackman, president of the Japanese Anime Society (JAMS), has criticised the emphasis being put onto sports, claiming societies are being “trampled underfoot”.

“The only reason the society can continue to function is due to our previous experience,” Jackman says. He also slammed the logistical difficulties, and lack of SU assistance, that the society faced during the freshers’ fayre.

According to Jackman, JAMS has also had £600 disappear from their accounts after an administration error within the SU. He says: “The money is unlikely to be reimbursed.”

Other societies have also felt they have been mistreated during the first few weeks. The Socialist Students Lincoln (SSL) said that there was a very heavy emphasis on sports and almost none on societies.

Gemma Cobby, president of the Politics Society, commented on the lack of help for new societies, saying there “was not any helpful information for new societies forming — it was like you were expected to know it all”.

Chris Farell, last year’s vice-president for sports, was worried that the reorganisation could leave sports neglected. Farell said that the new role had more to do with “events, financing, and staffing”.

The decision to reorganise the SU officers was made last November at the All Students Meeting. The number of full-time officers was dropped from 6 to 4, with a jump in the number of part-time officers from 6 to 9.

The Students’ Union have so far declined to comment.

3 thought on “Societies claim they’re being snubbed by SU”
  1. It’s hard because, with a sports orientated VP in charge, bias is almost inevitable, I think. It could be the same if a Societies orientated VP was in charge too.

    An example I’ve noticed is the heavily sports related Pep-rally. I haven’t experienced a problem personally but can understand where one may come from…

  2. The pep-rally has always been sports-orientated though, which is fine, as that’s what its about! But, is there anything at the beginning of the year to celebrate societies?

  3. Comment to be added to the above story.

    The SU has spent a considerable amount of time looking at systems for sports and societies, and is very confident that the new system will improve the services offered to teams and societies over time, but to do this it is essential that we receive feedback – so are happy to speak to anyone about their experiences.

    Sports and societies have always been administered together and there is still representation for societies in the Societies Officer role which is currently vacant. The SU would encourage students from societies to run in the upcoming election for this role. Reflecting on the change in roles made last November has allowed for more resource to be contracted for the development of both Sports and Societies.

    It is important to keep in mind that Officers are elected and accountable to both Sports and Societies Councils, and issues can be raised there in addition to contacting SU President – Chris Charnley.

    The Union is always happy to look at issues from any society or sports team, but it is essential that any problems that do arise are reported directly to the SU. There is a rigorous complaints system, details of which can be found on the Virtual Union at: http://www.lincolnsu.com

    The Union would be more than willing to address any issue from Steven, including the issue of finance, as the SU works strenuously to ensure maximum funding for its societies.

    The Union has also recently reviewed its practice and procedures for new societies and sports teams, as it recognised that there was room for improvement to the previous systems. The team and the SU President are happy to discuss this with any student. All relevant information is available again on the Virtual Union, along with the necessary forms. The approval of new Societies and Teams is a matter for the relevant Councils, and it is also key to note that the Union has seen a further increase in the number of Societies due to the wider nature of support available from the Students’ Union.

    Officers and the SU President are always happy to meet with students regarding any issues, and will always attempt to resolve these as speedily as possible. Feedback from students, good or bad, is key to the Union’s development so that it can continue to develop its services to meet the needs of students.

    Should any students wish to speak to the VP for Activities – Andreas Zacharia, or another Officer relating to any concerns, please contact: E:azacharia@lincoln.ac.uk or T: 01522 886006″

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