The first student council of 2011 may have discussed many issues but turnout was too small for any decisions to be voted on. This meant that most issues have been postponed and will be discussed at the next meeting.
The library’s cancellation of their Ebrary subscription was discussed with some suggesting that students with work to do over the festive period had lost out but others argued many are annoyed at the cancellation without it affecting them.
No one knew enough details about the library’s resources so discussion has been postponed in order to invite and include input from the university librarian, Ian Snowley.
The meeting also looked into the best ways to tell continuing and new students about small changes to the academic calendar. As the changes come happen in September 2011 the director of student services Judith Carey suggested a message goes out with results in the summer and it was recommended to also put a message on Blackboard.
Discussion were also had as to how to keep the Riseholme Campus in touch, as there was a representative of the campus there, Andrew Seneschall. He said that Riseholme students are not made aware of events, like LGBT History Month.
Seneschall also stated that even though the campus was made completely smoke free a year ago this has not been followed up properly with promised smoking shelters still not being installed.
There were also issues with the lack of recycling facilities at Greestone and elsewhere in the university that Kayleigh Turner will look into for the next meeting.
Liberation officer, Jonathan Holmes, announced what would be taking place during LGBT History month, which includes two poster campaigns, a masquerade ball at Christopher’s in aid of Broken Rainbow and also the Rainbow Rave, which was a popular event last time.
There will also be guest speakers including Sylvia Lancaster whose daughter was killed because of the way she looked. As a result the mother does talks about hate crime.
The Student Council ended on a reminder that the National Student Survey opens on Monday, January 24th where there will be drop in sessions at the library to complete the form as well as the opportunity to get £5 printer credit in the first two weeks.
The next Student Council will be on February 17th at 4:30.