– Josh Clark contributed with this article

Over the last few months, the University of Lincoln’s rugby union team have been competing tirelessly for their ultimate goal. Halfway through the season, Lincoln sit top of the league table with only six games between them and a dream promotion.

Lincoln’s performances this year have been extremely impressive, and the captain, Jacob Dobson, is pleased with his side’s form.

Dobson says: “The team has performed at an extremely high level. We are still currently unbeaten in the league which is something I haven’t experienced here during my three years playing.

“We have been blessed with a large intake of freshers this year, and they’ve really stepped up to the plate. We’ve had some extremely impressive performances from some of the senior boys too.”

With all this hard work and success, ambitions must be high and goals must be set. Last year, Lincoln missed out on promotion by a single point. Dobson says that this year they hope to go one better.

“This year we hope to win the league and gain promotion.

“[Not winning promotion] has, particularly amongst the senior boys, provided a work ethic throughout the club to make sure the team gains the accolades they deserve”.

Currently top of the British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) Rugby Union Midlands Conference Men’s 2A group, Lincoln’s target of promotion is well on course.

Dobson, who has taken over the captaincy in his final year, continued: “We know as a team that we have the skill and the players to gain promotion this season. It is entirely in our power to do so.

“We just need to make sure that we keep producing the results.”

“The league this season has proven very competitive, and each team poses a real threat.

“To put it simply we need to take each week in turn and not get carried away by our own hype.”

Every team needs a leader who is expected to act as the man who unites the team and leads by example. Dobson describes his role of captain as the “greatest honour”.

He says: “I enjoy the responsibility of leading the team on field and the interaction with every single member of the society.”

For the club and society to function though characters other than Dobson are needed. As such, he has highlighted how he is not a lone figure in running the successful team.

“I must say that I am blessed with the assistance of my president Louis Mann who, along with being a great player, pretty much runs the club, allowing me to take charge of the boys on the field.”

Dobson is also quick to praise the “brotherly” atmosphere of the Lincoln rugby team.

“It [the team] creates a brotherhood amongst the boys where your team mates are also your best mates.

“When this is put in place you get a team that lives and breathes the shirt, and is willing to put their bodies on the line for their fellow players.

“It has been the greatest experience of my life.”