Written by Angeline McCall.

The University of Lincoln will be one of many universities affected by a another national strike on Tuesday December 3.

University staff on the picket line at the last strike. Photo: Rachel SloperIt will mark the second strike during this academic year, as lecturers and staff members of four different unions—UCU, Unison, Unite, and EIS—persist in demanding further pay rises.

Lecturer’s pay has decreased by 13% in the past three years, and staff members only saw a 1% increase into this new academic year.

“Academic pay is falling in real terms, both against inflation and against other professions, despite the financial surplus in the sector,” said General Secretary of UCU, Sally Hunt.

“We must be clear, employers carry the full responsibility for this situation and the only way forward at this point is through taking collective action.”

Lincoln’s branch of the UCU says that a strike occurring does not reflect the positive relations within the university:

“As for the Lincoln branch of the UCU, we understand that Tuesday’s strike is national day of action, rather than a localised dispute with the management team here at Lincoln,” said Geoff Adams, a member of Lincoln’s UCU.

The Union members hope to receive a better offer than 1% pay raise as a result of the strike.

Students should expect to attend all lectures unless otherwise stated by their lecturers.