Newly elected Lincoln SU president Brian Alcorn, has made it onto national radio after getting his parody cover of Lorde’s Royals played on BBC Radio One.

The video was made for his week of campaigning in the Students Union’s elections week, and Brian, who plays on his Irish heritage, received over 4,000 views for his video before the Radio One fame.


Social media exploded at the time his song was played, with numerous tweets and Facebook posts being sent to the 22 year old immediately after it was aired.

The clip was played during the Scott Mills show on Friday lunchtime, and the iPlayer clip can be heard here.

Irish Brian, as he is better known, commented on his new-found fame:

“I was blown away to learn that Scott Mills at Radio 1 had caught wind of the campaign video I used during the recent elections. It’s a bit awkward because I’m really not much of a singer.

“I didn’t expect the video to gain such popularity during the elections but was glad when they finished, so that hopefully the video would be forgotten about, but now it’s been broadcast nationally!

“I had just over 4000 views by the end of the campaign week, which is staggering considering my video from the previous election campaign has been up for a year and only had around 1500 views.

“Now, with radio 1 having played my song, the video is just short of 10,000 views – it’s just crazy! I only wish I had that publicity during the campaign week.”

At the time his parody was broadcast, Brian was in a meeting, and was unaware of the attention it was receiving. But throughout, his phone was constantly buzzing in his pocket, due to the sheer volume of texts and notifications from social media which he was receiving.

“When I left the meeting room, I heard a colleague on phone at reception say ‘oh, he’s just come out of the room now, he’s here beside me’ and I knew it was me he was referring to,” Mr Alcorn said.

“I went over, and he was on the phone to another staff member upstairs and turned to me and said ‘You’re on Radio 1 right now with your campaign song!’

“I couldn’t believe it so I went up to my desk and listened online, and I managed to catch the tail-end of it on air.

“I thought it was hilarious but ridiculous that Scott Mills would play it, and say such complimentary things!”

Brian’s campaign video can be seen by clicking here or in the viewer below.