
The Fashion and Design society continued their spree of successful socials last night by combining Lincoln-based Glitter Lips and the CoppaFeel charity.

The event, which was open to all students, took place in the Hub at the Tower Bar and offered several sparkly activities including glittery make up, nails, and the main attraction – Glitter Lips.

Glitter Lips are an innovative new lip application product which, according to their website, ‘will revolutionise lip colour as you know it.’

Speaking to Ali Murgatroyd, the President of the Fashion and Design society, she spoke of how they first came into contact with Glitter Lips.

She said: “We met Glitter Lips at the recent student lock-in in the Waterside Centre – they were doing free Glitter Lips on everybody and we just got into contact with them.

“They’re a really fantastic company who are growing world wide.”

In addition to the night’s activities, Amy Johansen was present on behalf of the charity CoppaFeel – a charity Glitter Lips actively support.

Praising the success of the night she said: “Coppafeel is all about educating and support. Anything which raises the profile is invaluable to us.”

Finally, we spoke to some of the students who attended last night’s event about how they felt the night had gone.

Molly Baldry, a fine art student said: “It’s been really good actually. It’s fun with all the activities and getting your lips painted for free.”

Asking her what she thought of combining a charity’s presence and a society social, she said: “It’s a really good thing, especially for the girls here tonight.”

Her friend, Nardia Hett, also a fine art student, added: “Especially with the fundraising and awareness raising.

“My favourite thing from tonight has simply been donating.”

More information relating to CoppaFeel can be found at www.coppafeel.org