The October Player of the Month is Women’s Volleyball player Paula Antunes.

In a hotly contested vote which saw everyone lead at one point during the process, Antunes came out as the eventual winner after a series of impressive performances.

Antunes was able to beat nominees from a number of other sports including Men’s Football’s Luke Rayner who came second and Women’s Hockey’s Izzy Parry who came third.

Paula won with over 36% of the vote

Upon receiving her award she said “I feel very excited, I want to do better next month.”

“I think the whole team played very well and volleyball isn’t about one person.”

“It feels nice, I hope every month someone from volleyball wins.”

Her captain Judith Gruntjes was very happy at Paula winning the award:

“Since Day 1 Paula has been really involved in the team, she’s really been helping the other girls.”

“She’s really committed 100% even though she can’t really make it to the training on Tuesday because of her internship.”

The vote for November’s Player of the Month will begin next week.