Written by Natasha Bourke.

This week marks Anti Bullying week across England with the main focus being on empowering children and raising awareness for people who are being bullied. The theme for this year is ‘Make a noise about bullying’.


The Anti Bullying alliance are prompting people to get involved and share their message. 

It also aims to raise awareness of the impact of bullying on children’s lives, if they are not given appropriate support.

To raise awareness for this the Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) held an event at the Waterside Shopping Centre on Tuesday November 16th.

Youth Development Hub Manager for Lincolnshire County Council’s Children’s Services, John Herbert said: “We try to be a place schools, parents and young people can come for advice and help.”

He also said: “Cyberbullying is on the rise on certain parts of the county, some of which can be quite nasty and violent. We are trying to find out what is happening with the bullying and also want to talk to the person who is doing the bullying.

“We want to find out what the reason is for the bullying and want to highlight that it isn’t clever and it isn’t acceptable.”