Photo Credit: Theresa Brandal Sande
Photo Credit: Theresa Brandal Sande
Photo Credit: Theresa Brandal Sande

What was originally an eco-friendly shopping bag is now becoming more and more of a fashion statement.

Tote bags are probably most known for the prints and messages on them. These can often be a bit corny and fun – something that maybe reflects your personality.

Whether you are into reading books, the latest fashion, or movie franchises there will probably be a tote for it.

These days it seems like you can find the bags around every shop corner and it’s great – especially for students at university.

There are a number of reasons why a tote bag is the perfect accessory for a student’s lifestyle.

First of all, this type of bag is very affordable. You can even find many of them for free, as it’s a popular item for companies and organisations to give away. As an example, the University of Lincoln gave away their own totes at the Freshers’ Fair in September.

Photo Credit: Theresa Brandal Sande
Photo Credit: Theresa Brandal Sande

Other than being affordable, the tote bag is super practical.

It is open and very spacious, which is perfect if you’re on your way to the library.

You can bring your computer, books, notes, food and all you need for your study session in a tote. Trust me when I say it’s VERY useful.

It’s also nice to bring the bag when doing your weekly food shop. The spaciousness of it is great if you have a long shopping list, and you will save money and the environment by not buying a plastic one.

A tote is also quite soft to carry over the shoulder, so you might prevent some body ache while you carry those groceries home.

If you want to be practical but still look stylish, you should definitely be on the lookout for this growing trend. River Island, for instance, do very affordable tote bags. You can also check out Primark or Waterstones.