Lincoln students will vote next week to decide whether their Students Union should be represented at a National Union of Students demonstration in London on November 19.

The demonstration is being organised by the National Union of Students and University and College Union (UCU).

The NUS, which the University of Lincoln recently voted to re-join, will hold the demonstration under the banner ‘United for Education’. The demonstration will take part in central London and will demand “free, quality further and higher education”, which they believe should be accessible to all.

This comes in response to higher education changes made under the current government. Students now face higher debt than ever before, with tuition fees set to reach £12,000 by 2026. The NUS is expecting their biggest ever turnout for this event, which is one of a number of many student-led events across the globe.

The NUS said: “Alongside our staff, we have the power to halt cuts and stop fees rising even more.”

The event is believed to cost £100,000 and will be funded by the contributions made by all member student unions.

Students will be able to vote for or against SU involvement at the All Student Members Meeting this Monday, 6pm to 8pm in the David Chiddick Building (DCB1102). Should the vote favour the SU attending the demonstration, students will be able to sign up to attend the event later this month.