A student officer at the University of Lincoln Students’ Union has openly accused the SU of “failing” to represent students.
Bradley Allsop, the SU’s Postgraduate Officer, said the Students’ Union has “deep flaws” and that the organisation is “unwilling to take a principled stand, or to truly involve ordinary students in its deliberations”.

Writing for The Linc, Bradley claimed that the SU’s lack of accountability is resulting in the SU becoming “weakened” and “poorly equipped to fight for students’ best interests”.
In a wide-ranging article the postgraduate officer also criticised President Sammi Storey’s recent statement on the rise of tuition fees that “heaped praise on a vice-chancellor who did nothing to stop this”.
The SU describe the rise as “unavoidable” but will ensure a “significant proportion of this increase is invested back in students”.
Bradley also took aim at the SU’s decision not to hold by-elections following the resignation of Student Officers Will Fry and Aigerim Kuanysh before Christmas.
In response, the University of Lincoln Students’ Union sent us a statement saying: “It is unfortunate that we have lost two executive officers, however bringing in new Student leaders at this stage in the academic year is unfeasible.
“A student would need to suspend their current academic year, undergo significant training, at which point they would have a very limited time in office before a new Student Leader team would start in the summer.
“We have received no objections from the student body, and in the absence of this Student Leaders have acted in what they believe is the best interest of students, as they were elected to do.”
The students’ union also insisted the SUggestions system is democratic as the most popular opinion gets the most votes and all ideas are considered, but they are “working on new ways” to make the platform better known to students.
They continued: “SUggestions will only be blocked if the idea goes against the legal constitutional responsibilities of the Trustees who are bound by Charity law.”
The statement ended: “As always we are open to ideas to make improvements and change in the best interest of students. The Student Leaders are happy to talk to students about any ideas they have and encourage the use of the Suggestions platform.”
To read Bradley’s piece click here.