The University of Lincoln Musical Theatre Society (MTS) has announced that their production of Footloose will be “going ahead as planned.”

The statement released by the MTS committee has revealed the suspension of three committee members, who were accused of bullying and abuse of power, has been lifted.

The statement says that they have been able to “return to the society as members” after a Student’s Union appeal hearing.

This initial statement was released on social media at 20:30 on Tuesday March 21.

The initial statement suggested that those suspended had been found “not guilty of any wrongdoing.”

However, two hours later at 22:30 that statement was taken down and replaced with this:

The new statement removed the comment: “the creative team are back” and were “found not guilty of any wrongdoing”.

MTS were contacted for comment on the amendments to their statement and said “it just needed some rewording”, while the Students’ Union said they cannot comment on the current situation.

The production of Footloose is set to go ahead next week.