Ahead of the close of voting in the latest Students’ Union Elections tomorrow, The Linc has asked all VP candidates why they should have your vote.

Here is what the VP Welfare and Community candidates had to say:

Voting will close tomorrow. Photo: Lincoln SU.

Connor Delany

“For the last few months I have had the privilege of being your Vice President of Welfare and Community. Whilst I am proud of all we have accomplished in this time, I know there is much more to be done. As such; I am seeking your vote to re-elect me as your VPWC.

What I have done so far. Reduced the price of sanitary products in the campus shop to cost price and made them freely available in all SU venues. Took on bad landlords with the first ever student feedback-based awards. Worked to ban To-Let signs outside student homes. Secured £10,000 to combat hate-crime and establish a reporting centre on campus. Secured £10,000 for our liberation groups and ensured dedicated staff support. Established the campaigns network giving liberation groups and student led projects unparalleled support. Secured water fountains on every floor of the library with more coming to other buildings

What I will do if you re-elect me. Mental health first aid available to all students. Recruiting specific personal support tutors who will be more highly trained in mental health and wellbeing. Tackling bad landlords with an accommodation portal where landlords will be ranked by students.”

Grace Corn

“Hi, my name is Grace Corn and I am running for the position of VP Welfare & Community!

I have been an active member of the Student Union throughout my three years here at Lincoln, from a Course Rep in my first year, to now as VP of Politics Society, Cluster Rep for Campaigns, Politics and Lifestyle Societies, and Union Chair.

If elected, I will work to deliver: permanent on campus STI testing/sexual health services. An online chat for mental health help. A more environmentally conscious campus (the introduction of bottle banks, bike lanes, and water fountains for example) with a rewards scheme to accompany such changes

I have so many ideas which I want to bring to the table, but I also want to get out and listen to students, and make changes which you actually want!

I am a friendly and approachable person, who believes in making sure that everyone’s voice is heard and that our Student Union is inclusive and fair to its core. I am well suited to the role as I have lots of experience of leadership and enjoy public speaking; traits which I have developed as Union Chair through chairing ‘All Students Member Meetings’ and making decisions on ‘SUggestions’. I care deeply about both representing students and improving our experience in Lincoln through working together.”

Lauren Pincher

“Vote Lauren – #PurpleHairDoesCare. Let’s help students before they reach breaking point.

My name is Lauren Pincher, and I’m a 3rd year architecture student with bright purple hair.

I work at Tower Bar at the Engine shed serving your food and drinks, but now I want to represent YOU at the Students’ Union for the role of Welfare and Community.

I’m standing for this role as I have a lot to give back to the university and especially the student services – The wellbeing services are oversubscribed and I want to help students before they reach breaking point and negatively impact their studies.

Three main factors that impact students academic performance:

–              Housing situation – problems with housemates, neighbours and landlords

–              Mental health – anxiety, depression, and homesickness to name a few!

–              Money problems – Hidden university costs, budgeting difficulties

All three of these things relate to each other a great deal and to tackle one issue at a time before all the small things build up would help reduce waiting lists at the wellbeing centre.

I’ve been there. I have first-hand experience of well-being and community issues that the Students’ Union have helped me through such as mental health and housing related subjects.”