“My main points are around accessibility, inclusivity and the community." Photo: Louis Williams

Louis Williams has been a student at Lincoln for five years now, currently working on his Project Management masters.

“I’ve been involved with sports at the uni for four years, I’ve been part of handball, cricket ultimate frisbee… so I’ve had experience across quite a few different sports.”

Over the past year Louis has been the sports officer for the students union, but is now hoping to take a step up into the Vice President Activities (VPA) role.

With his year of experience in the students union, and his long history of sports here in Lincoln, Louis is hoping to make some changes to how activities in the university run.

“My main points are around accessibility, inclusivity and the community.

“Accessibility wise, para-sport and disability sports have been lacking at the university for as long as I’ve been here… we’ve been to Hull varsity this week and seen how good their facilities are, if we get the university on board there’s no reason we can’t do that as well.”

Currently no para-sport activities are available at the university, and hopes to start some last year were unfortunately undone by Covid restrictions.

“In terms of inclusivity, international students in activities are one of the least represented groups of people, so [I plan to] bridge that information gap so it’s not just about the students who know about it.

“And then with the community, there’s no secret that the relationship between students and the local population isn’t the best.

“Getting activities and sports and societies to be involved in the local community could make a big step towards that.”

Louis’ ideas are broad, and target the often forgotten aspects and people of our campus, with him hoping to create a more involved student experience, both in and out of campus.

“I don’t mind who votes for anyone. Voting for me would be voting for points on my manifesto, so if you agree with me vote for me.”