Following an interesting interview with Tom Haughton, from the Do You Have It? campaign, about controlling Chlamydia in Lincolnshire I was challenged to take the test and see how simple it was.

I have recently started a new relationship and, unsurprisingly at the ages of 20 and 21, my girlfriend and I have had previous sexual partners but have not been tested for infections.

The test comes in a handy plastic packet, with clear instructions on how to take it.

We took the test and for me going to the toilet in a tube was no problem (if not exactly fun), and for my girlfriend taking a swab was easy. She found it a lot simpler than she imagined and it was quick and not uncomfortable.

We are both eagerly anticipating the results and should only have to wait between one and two weeks after dropping our samples into the university’s Health Centre.

“It only takes a second and was easier than I thought to do. I’m slightly nervous about receiving the results but I’ve always been careful so I shouldn’t have to worry. If either of us has Chlamydia then I don’t think it will cause problems,” my girlfriend says.

“If someone is open about it you just have to respect them for it and trust that they haven’t been unfaithful, which is another issue.”

With so many people contracting the infection it doesn’t reflect on your character too much if you’re unlucky enough to contract it.

We will let you know when we get the results in a couple of weeks, and we’ll speak to Tom Haughton about his role on our upcoming podcast.

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