The candidates running in the upcoming Lincoln SU elections have been revealed, with 32 students hoping to fill the nine places on offer.


Sports Officer

Amy Womersley is the single candidate hoping to become Sports Officer. She hopes to “create a better atmosphere between the university teams” and “work closely with the intra-mural sports committee to get more people playing social sport at the university”.

Societies Officer

There are three hopefuls going for the role of Societies Officer in the Lincoln SU elections. First up is Connor Burton, who aims to “raise the profile of societies both, within the university and externally”, “to tackle the issue of sports and societies not being able to be sponsored by bars and clubs within Lincoln” and have “more engagement with the rep system”.

Gooleswari Seeburn is also a candidate for Societies Officer. She has pledged to “provide student feedback and student engagement”, to “keep in contact with students to find out what they want and make sure the students experience is the best it can be” and to “provide support to all committee members-allowing societies to function properly”.

Last, but not least, is Calum Watt. He hopes to “increase cross-society participation”, “purchase a fleet of minibuses to provide cheap transport for societies” and “introduced a weekly printing budget for societies”.

College Reps

School Reps

NUS Delegate